We donate 1 euro to ADEE Association for each client feedback!

Client feedback matters: we shall donate 1 euro to ADEE Association!
Reliable help comes from unexpected places. We thought that we could extend the help offered by clients to us, to develop our rent a car services in a financial help to children that suffer from autism. How? Every quality questionnaire completed by an Autoboca client means 1 euro donated to ADEE Association.
Every single time somebody invests less than 1 minute to complete our quality questionnaire, 1 euro is donated to ADEE. We want to be sure that ADEE specialists have the necessary tools to help children with autism to integrate better in our society.

Your feedback matters: 1 euro donated, one extra chance for the little ones with autism!
ADEE specialists have created a friendly and welcoming environment for children with this disability. They can benefit here from the complete attention of trained specialists that will implement applied behavioural therapy to diagnose and evaluate. Children can overcome the social barrier raised by this disability, through professional help. It is not easy. Still, it matters a lot to work together in order to offer children with autism a chance to thrive, one that is not conditioned by their financial situation. ADEE Association, even though recently founded, organizes useful courses regarding the manifestation of autism and how to approach its symptoms.
Children with autism will benefit from a careful supervision, coming from ADEE psychologists and specialists. Every child has a personalized programme, adapted to its specific needs. Autoboca wants to supports social initiatives that come to the development of children that suffer from different diseases. What do you have to do? Practically all you need to do is completed our customer satisfaction form after each rent. That is all. The rest is up to us!
Every feedback means 1 Euro donated by Autoboca to ADEE Association. In this manner every client contributes to a noble cause. You can participate indirectly to the development of specialized programmes for children with autism. It is easier than ever to help today! In less than 1 MINUTE allocated to complete the customer service questionnaire, you make sure that Autoboca will donate 1 Euro to ADEE Association!

Contact reservations department
Business hours:
Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
Sunday: Closed
*Outside business hours we shall answer in the next business day for the rent a car offer!