Traditions in the Romanian IE

Respect for textile traditions filled with authentic Romanian tales of beauty
From the wide array of authentic Romanian traditions, we always manage to stumble upon mesmerizing stories “woven” with uncanny craftsmanship by special people. Romanians have a certain fondness for customs and traditions, which in most cases guide their steps in the dynamic and ever-changing present society. This is their way of enjoying life, with a stable anchor in a simple, generous and wise past.
Today you will find in Romanian society countless sources of traditional vitality, exposed with delight in various moments of the year. Among the most beloved visual traditions you will find the Romanian IE. This stunning and wonderful blouse has managed to capture the imagination of millions of women and men around the world. Are you surprised? Probably not!
It is not just an expression of textile skill and craftsmanship, but also a reflection of Romanian respect for traditions. When you choose an IE, with colored embroidery and always ready to tell a new story, you do so with all your heart. Unlike other pieces of clothing, IA has a special aura. It is not a simple blouse, but a clear expression of traditional values without equal.
Why is the IE so special?
A lot of people choose an IE in accordance with their unique spirit. There are those that love life, with thriving passion and they choose ie blouses with red motives and complex embroidery patterns. Other people want to reflect a joyous tranquillity, and for this reason they opt for ie blouses with sublime and kind colors (green or blue). The traditional port has a special mystique to it. The whole package, blouse, pants, hat, shoes and other accessories manage to capture the true essence of Romanian spirit.
A master tailor with years of experience, artist in yielding the needle and thread will always create a beautiful Ie. The blouse doesn’t only have to impress viewers but also to transmit a story. As you might know, the process of creation of an IE is very meticulous and it implies hours attentive work. Every single detail is important to the proper development of an ie.On countless occasions the creator tests its patience but the effort pays off, giving birth to a work of textile art.
The legacy of the ie comes from our elders with interesting tales of wisdom. Some of them are usually noted in books dedicated to the history of ie, and others are transmitted orally from one generation to another. The constant of every tale about this textile creation is the tailor’s desire to transmit positive feelings and emotions. Ia represents a solemn part of the authentic Romanian spirit which most of the times reminds us of the past and its legacy.
The elders had a very strict rule, respected until not so long ago, women were encouraged to learn how to sow and create a personalized ie. Sowing an ie was considered a manifestation of feminine sensuality. Every detail and motive present in the embroidery of the ie represents a part of the creator’s soul. For this reason, an authentic ie will not resemble another one. We also know that there are common blouses, with Ie patterns, but they don’t have the real thing. They are mere replicas.
You will observe that a Bucovina ie is different than one from Oltenia or Ardeal. Every Romanian region has developed its owned motives and details, which solidifies the uniqueness of the popular port and implicitly of th eie. In Romanian ethnographic museums you will discover a wide variety of popular creations, among which the Ie, worthy of being surprised in amazing photographs.
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